Vajrapani Practice – The Message from Guru

 The covid virus is so so powerful due to the bad karma of humans. The powers of Buddhas and bodhisattvas are inconceivable but heavy karma of humanity is also very very strong so we still need to be very careful to avoid from getting the Covid although we practice Dharma as protection. Of course, there is no ensure even though you practice profound dharma practices due to not enough pure view and not enough recitations and so on.

Meat or Flesh Should Come From Lives   

Tashi Delek! Dear everyone. I hope everyone is doing good. And this is so-called Saka Dawa or Vaisakhi. A very important month, very important Dharma day because our great Teacher, Compassionate Buddha Shakyamuni was born, reached Buddhahood and went to Nirvana. So this becomes very important month for us as Buddhist practitioners.

Developing a Green Lungon Monastery

Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche of Lungon Monastery is a lover of the nature – He is always interested in protecting the natural environment. In recent years, more than 10,000 trees have been planted in the Monastery and in the surrounding mountains. The work of maintaining and protecting trees is also maintained continuously every year.