Whatever Guru says, you accept and there is no doubt – but now we are not like that

Then to be able to recognize that kind of view, we need to practice Guru Yoga first, a lot, to establish the good, genuine, strong and unchangeable devotion to the Guru.

When will this “stop”?

In fact, if one has a strong and real devotion to the guru, it will definitely slow down the individual from running here and there. Why so many people are always running some where? Of course, not enough knowledge and devotion but mostly devotion.

Guru Rinpoche was a Teacher of Varjayana practitioners

Guru Rinpoche is an important deity, very important person in Tibet, to Varjayana practitioners generally and especially to those who have faith in Guru Rinpoche.

If you listen to what your Guru says that is enough

I mentioned the importance of faith, believing or confidence, in the Dharma, the practice, in the Guru, or in the Three Jewels. That is the key to any Dharma practice.

If you have faith to just practice Guru Rinpoche, that’s enough

The essence of Guru Rinpoche is the same as the essence of Buddha Shakyamuni. In Sutrayana there’s Buddha Shakyamuni. In Tantrayana there’s [Buddha] Padmasambhava.

When one receives blessing from Guru Rinpoche, one can practice without obstacles

To be able to remove obstacles it’s important to pray, to think of, and to practice Guru Rinpoche, to recite Guru Rinpoche mantra.

“Guru Yoga” is meditation on Guru

At the same time, when you meditate on Guru Rinpoche, or Guru Yoga, “yoga” also means “practice” or “meditation”. So “Guru Yoga” is meditation on Guru. It’s high meditation.

Seeing our Guru as Buddha – in that way we mention specifically taking refuge in Guru

You can say more specifically: “I take refuge in Guru, I take refuge in Yidam, I take refuge in Dakini.” And “Buddha” does not mean only “Buddha Shakyamuni”, but there are many Buddhas. Guru Rinpoche, for example, is also a Buddha.

Taking refuge in one deity is taking refuge in all Buddhas

In a very general way when we say “Take refuge” then [the question is] “Take refuge in which?” We take refuge in the Three Jewels.

Dharma may not work as we wish due to lack of good conditions: faith, understanding, honesty, diligence

Many of you have heard of the Great Master Milarepa. And many of you have had chances to read His biography. So you would probably understand how difficult it was for Him to get authentic teaching, profound teaching from His Master.

We always say BUT…

When there is not enough devotion then we say Buddha said or my Teacher said so … BUT … We always say BUT.

If one does break samaya with one’s Guru, the best way forward is to accept that it happened, regret that it happened, confess it to the Guru

The biggest problem is when students break samaya with their guru, and they don’t accept it. They pretend nothing has happened.