Hungkar Library

Lama Sang’s Anniversary

As we know that to remember doing anniversaries of the lama through offerings and prayer ceremonies is very very important for the followers to grow pure realization and to accumulate perfect merits to bring us on the path without obstacles.

Letter on Longchenpa’s Anniversary

This coming 13th, the 18th of the 12th month in Tibetan calendar is the Anniversary of Longchen Rabjam, our great root of Dzogchen Lineage, the Great Perfection Master, one of the most amazing, knowledgeable, high realized Teachers in the History of Dzogchen lineage on the earth.

The Stallion Of The Distracted Mind Never Rests

Achievements, fame and fortune are like ripples on water, One follows the next, follows the next, follows the next…

The Blue Cuckoo

The blue cuckoo,/ Came from Mon area of the South/ Two of us,/ Came directly from America of the North,

The Encounter and Befriending Between Me and A Cuckoo Bird

On the 20th of last May, a cuckoo bird came to my garden and I brought him in my house. After several days, he became very familiar and close to us. But he wouldn’t eat anything that made us worry and we released him. And he quickly flied away and disappeared in to the distance.

Good Fortune and Misfortune

In times of good fortune, we proclaim ourselves KI CHO when ascending a throne. In times of misery, we can't believe our misfortune when we are being stepped on.

Love and Peace

At this time, we have obtained a human body that has a human existence in this world. When we have the pleasant and unpleasant experiences of human beings we express different states of happiness and unhappiness. We are like children who wander through happiness and unhappiness, laughing and smiling one moment and crying the next.

Vajrapani Practice and Corona Epidemic (Part III)

Our practice of Vajrapani has a lot of power. It has a lot of blessing. So we can purify oneself on and purify others, too. And we can dedicate merit for others so that this problem will end soon. Because Buddha’s Dharma has a lot of incredible power and blessing so we can help other human beings as well.

Vajrapani Practice and Corona Epidemic (Part II)

It is a very good idea to practice that specific Vajrapani practice – treasure from Lama Sang. I think a lot of people know about Lama Sang, the treasure revealer of this Vajrapani [practice]. Lama Sang was emanation of Vajrapani, of Guru Rinpoche, of Lhalung Palgyi Dorje – one of the 25 disciples of Guru Rinpoche.

Letter from Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche about Longchenpa’s Anniversary 2020

The main thing we do on this day is to remember the kindness and the meaning of the teachings by remembering the profound wisdom of Long Chenpa. Also, remember to pray for success in following his instructions and his steps to the most profound awareness, the Buddha nature.

Vajrapani Practice and Corona Epidemic (Part I)

Because of this new infectious disease that is spreading in China, it affects a lot of people, people's lives and people's mood and a lot of things. and, we are practicing Buddha Dharma, specifically in our monastery we are practicing or we have been practicing wrathful form of [Vajrapani], treasure of Lama Sang reciting the mantra of this sadhana: HUNG BENZA PHAT, HUNG BENZA PHAT which is very blessful and very powerful. This got a very good history.

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The blue sky is a great mandala/ On a white rain- bow - like cloud...